
About Us

H.O.P.E. House stands for Help Open People’s Eyes

Live-Love H.O.P.E. House stands for Helping Open People’s Eyes, it can also stand for Hang On— Pain Ends. Both are very descriptive when talking about Suicide prevention. By opening other people’s eyes we can launch a whole group of individuals who are sensitive to people contemplating suicide. Maybe they will notice a fellow co worker or student as having some, or all of the suicide risk factors. By being aware of other people’s distress there is an opportunity to help that person.  When describing why people choose to end their life they use the word pain, they want to end the pain. Imagine having the opportunity to help end someone’s pain, to let them know valuable and are cared about they are.

Live-Love H.O.P.E.  House was formed to help serve the Barrington area. After being in the community for 32 years we have become familiar with stresses unique to Barrington. Many caring and prominent families have reached out with their support to help curb the increasing suicide problem. In 2018 Ray Paigentini stepped in and created HOPE house with the intention of saving people one person at a time. His 40 years of counseling, 6 years of teaching and his strong connection to Barrington families enabled him to structure a program where we can be here to assess people at suicide risk and get them to the help they need.

Please spread the word, we truly want to help.
